Differences Between Angular And AngularJS

Differences Between Angular And AngularJS

 In this article, we will learn about AngularJS and Angular as well as the key differences between the two.

AngularJS: AngularJs is an open-source front-end framework written in Javascript that is mostly used to create single-page web applications (SPAs). It is a framework that is always evolving and providing better ways to construct online apps. The static HTML is replaced by dynamic HTML. Its capabilities, like as dynamic binding and dependency injection, obviate the need for us to create code. Because AngularJs is continually evolving, we offer multiple versions, with the most recent stable version being 1.7.7. It's also worth noting that Angular is not the same as AngularJs. It is a free and open-source project that anyone can use and modify. Directives expand HTML attributes, and data is connected with HTML.

Angular: It is a popular open-source Typescript framework for constructing web apps that was created by Google. For efficiently showing and manipulating data, front-end developers employ frameworks like Angular or React. In comparison to the prior version of Angular, the updated version is substantially more efficient, with the main functionality being separated to different modules. As a result, it becomes considerably faster and smoother than before. We may install the essential packages that ease construction and turn complex-structured code into a modular form that is easy to maintain using the newly integrated angular CLI. 

Although, there are several key differences between AngularJS and Angular, which can be classified as follows:

Support for ES6:

Angular is written entirely in Typescript and adheres to the ECMAScript 6 standard. This means it supports ES6 Modules, Class Frameworks, and other features.

Components are new controllers:

We had Controllers in AngularJS. Angular Components replace Angular Controllers in Angular. In AngularJS, the controllers and views are defined as follows:

<body ng-controller="’appController’">     
//Controller angular.module(‘app’).controller(‘appController’,appcontroller) {     
    message=’Hello Angular’; 

Components are used in Angular. The following is a simple component built in Typescript.

import { Component } from '@angular/core'; 
    selector: 'app',     
    template: '<h1>{{message}} </h1>' 
export class AppComponent  {
      message: string=’Hello Angular’; 

A component in Angular represents a user interface element. Many of these components can be found on a single web page. Each component is self-contained and maintains a different area of the page. Child and parent components are both possible for the components.


There were a lot of directives in AngularJS. ng-repeat and ng-if are two of the most commonly used directives.

    <li ng-repeat =customer in vm.customers> 
<div ng-if=”vm.isVIP”>     <h3> VIP Customer </h3> </div>

Angular supports directives as well, although they have a distinct syntax. It is indicated as a structural directive by a * before the directive name.

    <li *ngFor =#customer of customers>         
<div *ngIf=”vm.isVIP”> 
    <h3> VIP Customer </h3> 

Style directives like ng-style, ng-src, and ng-href are no longer available. Property tying HTML elements to class properties has taken their place.

Custom Directives are much easier to create with angular, as illustrated in the sample below.

   selector: '[MyDirective]' 
class MyDirective { }

Data Bindings:

The powerful angular data bindings stay the same,  with minor syntax changes.


<h3> {{vm.customer.Name}}</h3>  
<h3> {{customer.Name}}</h3>

In AngularJS, we used the controller alias VM to define the controller instance. The context is implicit in Angular.

One way Binding:

<h3> ng-bind=vm.customer.name></h3> 
<h3 [innerText]=”customer.name” ></h3>
Any property of an HTML element can be bound by Angular.

Event Binding:

The ngClick directive is used by AngularJS to bind to the event. The ngClick Directive has been deleted in Angular. You can directly bind to DOM events.

Two- way binding:

<input ng-model=”vm.customer.name”>  
<input [(ng-model)]=”customer.name”> 

$scopes are out:

Angular no longer uses $scope to connect view and controller.

AngularJS used to perform a dirty check on scope objects to see if they had changed. The watchers are then triggered. After that, it used to re-run the dirty checks.

Zone.js is used by Angular to detect changes. All global asynchronous operations, such as click events, timer events, HTTP requests, and so on, are patched by Zone.js. It then notifies Angular anytime changes in the Angular Application occur. The change detection for the entire application is then run by Angular.

Filters are renamed to Pipes:

We used Filters in AngularJS, as seen below:

<td>{{vn.customer.name | uppercase}}</td> 

Angular use the same syntax as Node.js, but calls them pipes.

<td>{{customer.name | uppercase}}</td>

Platform-specific Bootstrap:

We used the ng-app directive in our HTML in AngularJS, and Angular would then bootstrap and attach itself to the ng-app.

<body ng-app=’app’> </html>

In Angular, the bootstrapping is done through code. Agular's bootstrapping is more complicated than AngularJS's. The sample code below shows how an Angular application uses platformBrowserDynamic Module to bootstrap the AppModule.

import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic'; 
import {AppModule } from './app.module'; platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule); 

In Angular, Bootstrap is also platform-specific. Different bootstrappers can be used for mobile and web applications.


Services, Factories, Providers, Constants, and Values were used in AngularJS to generate reusable code. These are then implanted into Controllers, allowing them to use them.

All of the above is integrated into a Service class in Angular.

Mobile Support:

AngularJS was not designed to work on mobile devices. With mobile development in mind, Angular was created.


In many ways, Angular has evolved significantly from AngularJS, making it much easier and faster to use. The list above is a summary, not a complete list.

I hope this article helps you and you will like it.👍

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