Observable In Angular

Observable In Angular

In this article, we will learn about what is observable in Angular and how to use them in Angular applications. We hear a lot of terms like Reactive programming, data streams, Observable, Observers, RxJS, and so on when we talk about Angular Observable. Before we begin using the observables, it is critical that we understand this terminology.

Reactive programming is abbreviated as Rx. Programming with asynchronous data streams is what it's called. As a result, it is critical that you comprehend what a data stream is.

What is a data stream?

A stream is a collection of data that arrives over time. The data stream can be anything. Variables, user inputs, attributes, caches, data structures, and even failures are just a few examples.

Consider a series of mouse click events with varying x and y positions. Assume the user has clicked on the following sites in that order: (12,15), (10,12), (15,20), and (17,15).

The following diagram depicts how the values change over time. As you can see, the stream emits values asynchronously as they occur.

Mouse click events as data streams

The value that a stream emits is not the only thing it emits. As the user closes the window or app, the stream may end. Alternatively, an error could occur, causing the stream to be closed. Any of the three things listed below may be emitted by the stream at any moment in time.

The next value in the stream is called a value.

Complete: The stream is no longer active.

The feed has been interrupted due to an error.

The figure below depicts all three options in a stream.

Mouse click events as data streams with emit error and complete events

As previously said, the data stream can be anything. As an example,

  • With x and y positions, mouse click or mouse hover events are possible.
  • Keyboard events such as keyup, keydown, and keypress, among others.
  • Value changes, for example, are examples of form events.
  • Following an HTTP request, data is received.
  • Notifications to users.
  • Any sensor can be used to make measurements.

Important information about streams can be found here.

  • emit zero, one, or more times values
  • Errors are also possible.
  • When the signal is complete, it must be broadcast (finite streams).
  • They have the potential to be limitless, implying that they will never be completed.

Let's look at what Reactive Programming is now that we know what a data stream is.

Reactive Programming

It's all about creating the stream, emitting value, error, or full signals, manipulating, transferring, or doing something helpful with the data streams in reactive application.

This is where RxJs enter the equation.

The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing is a great way to get started with the language. Also see Rx: A Beginner's Guide.

What is RxJS

RxJS (Reactive Extensions Package for JavaScript) is a javascript library that lets us work with asynchronous data streams.

To implement Reactive Programming, the Angular framework significantly relies on the RxJS library. The following are some instances of reactive programming in action.

  • In Angular, responding to an HTTP request
  • Angular Forms Value Changes/Status Changes
  • Observables are used by the Router and Forms modules to listen for and respond to user input events.
  • Custom events can be defined to convey observable output data from a child component to a parent component.
  • AJAX requests and answers are handled by the HTTP module using observables.

There are two primary players in the RxJs.

  1. Observable
  2. Observers ( Subscribers)

What is an Observable in Angular 

A function that changes an ordinary stream of data into an observable stream of data is called observable. Consider Observable to be a wrapper around a regular stream of data.

The value from the stream is emitted asynchronously by an Observable stream or a plain Observable. When the stream completes, it produces a complete signal, or an error signal if the stream fails.

Declarative observables. An observable function is defined in the same way as any other variable. When someone subscribes to the observable, it begins to emit values.

Who are observers (subscribers)

The Observable is meaningless in and of itself unless someone consumes the value it emits. We refer to them as "observers" or "subscribers."

Callbacks are used by the observers to communicate with the Observable.

To receive the value from the observable, the observer must subscribe to it. It optionally passes the three callbacks while subscribing. complete(), next(), and error().

How observable and observers communicates with call backs in angular

As soon as the observer or consumer subscribes to it, the observable begins emitting the value.

When a value arrives in the stream, the observable calls the next() callback. The value is passed to the next callback as an argument. The error() callback is called if an error occurs. When the stream is finished, it calls the complete() function.

  • Observers/subscribers are people who are interested in Observables.
  • At the moment of subscribing, the observer registers three callbacks with the observable. next(), error(), and complete() are examples of these methods ()
  • Each of the three callbacks is optional.
  • The data is sent from the observer to the observer via the next() function.
  • They also get the Observable's errors and completion events via the error() and complete() callbacks.

Angular Observable

Now that we've covered the fundamentals of RxJs Observable, let's look at an example of how it works.

Create a new angular project. The contents in app.component.html should be removed. Activate the app.component.ts file.

Import the required libraries

When you build an Angular project, the RxJs library is immediately installed. As a result, there is no need to set it up.

Using the rxjs library, import the Observable.

import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

Observable Creation

In Angular, there are a number of different ways to make an observable. Using the Observable constructor is the simplest option. The observer (or subscriber) argument is passed to the observable constructor. When the subscribe() method of this observable is called, the subscriber is called.

The example below creates an observable consisting of a stream of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

obs = new Observable((observer) => {
  console.log("Observable starts")

The variable obs has now been converted to an observable.

The observable obs is declared in the above example, but it is not instantiated. We must subscribe to the observable in order for it to emit values.

Create Observable In Angular

The Observable Constructor was used to generate the Observable in the preceding example. The RxJS package has a lot of operators, which makes developing an observable a breeze. These operators allow us to generate observables from arrays, strings, promises, iterables, and other data types. Some of the most regularly used operators are listed below.
  • create
  • defer
  • empty
  • from
  • fromEvent
  • interval
  • of
  • range
  • throwError
  • timer

Subscribing to the observable

By calling the subscribe method on the observable, we can subscribe to it. As illustrated below, we can optionally include the three callbacks next(), error(), and complete().

ngOnInit() {
      val => { console.log(val) }, //next callback
      error => { console.log("error") }, //error callback
      () => { console.log("Completed") } //complete callback

The whole code for app.component.ts is displayed below:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
  title = 'Angular Observable using RxJs - Getting Started';
  obs = new Observable((observer) => {
    console.log("Observable starts")
  ngOnInit() {
      val=> { console.log(val) },
      error => { console.log("error")},
      () => {console.log("Completed")}

Run the code now and keep an eye on the debug window.

Adding interval

We can add a timeout to each next() callback to add a delay.

obs = new Observable((observer) => {
  console.log("Observable starts")

  setTimeout(() => { observer.next("1") }, 1000);
  setTimeout(() => { observer.next("2") }, 2000);
  setTimeout(() => { observer.next("3") }, 3000);
  setTimeout(() => { observer.next("4") }, 4000);
  setTimeout(() => { observer.next("5") }, 5000);

Example of Observable In Angular

Error event

As previously stated, the observable can potentially provide an error. This is accomplished by calling the error() callback and sending the error object as a parameter. After issuing the error signal, the observables come to a halt. As a result, values 4 and 5 are never emitted.

obs = new Observable((observer) => {
  console.log("Observable starts")

  setTimeout(() => { observer.next("1") }, 1000);
  setTimeout(() => { observer.next("2") }, 2000);
  setTimeout(() => { observer.next("3") }, 3000);
  setTimeout(() => { observer.error("error emitted") }, 3500);    //sending error event. observable stops here
  setTimeout(() => { observer.next("4") }, 4000);          //this code is never called
  setTimeout(() => { observer.next("5") }, 5000);

The error object can be passed as a parameter to the error method.

Observable With Error Event In Angular

Complete Event

Likewise, the entire event. After transmitting the entire signal, the observables come to a halt. As a result, values 4 and 5 are never emitted.

obs = new Observable((observer) => {
  console.log("Observable starts")

  setTimeout(() => { observer.next("1") }, 1000);
  setTimeout(() => { observer.next("2") }, 2000);
  setTimeout(() => { observer.next("3") }, 3000);
  setTimeout(() => { observer.complete() }, 3500);   //sending complete event. observable stops here
  setTimeout(() => { observer.next("4") }, 4000);    //this code is never called
  setTimeout(() => { observer.next("5") }, 5000);

Observable With Complete Event In Angular

Observable Operators

Functions that operate on an Observable and return a new Observable are known as Operators.

The operators are what give observable its power. You can use them to change the values of an incoming observable, filter it, merge it with another observable, and subscribe to another observable.

Using the pipe, you can also chain each operator one after the other. The observable is sent down the chain from one operator to the next. It alters it and creates a new observable, which is then used as the input for the following observable.

The filer and map operators are chained inside a pipe in the following example. The map operator doubles the value by 2 after the filter operator removes all data that is less than or equal to 2.

The source of data

	obs = new Observable((observer) => {
	  filter(data => data > 2),   //filter Operator
	  map((val) => {return val as number * 2}), //map operator

The table below lists some of the most regularly used operators.

CombinationcombineLatest, concat, merge, startWith , withLatestFrom, zip
distinctUntilChanged, filter,
take, takeUntil, takeWhile, takeLast, first, last, single, skip, skipUntil, skipWhile, skipLast,
TransformationbufferTime, concatMap, map, mergeMap, scan, switchMap, ExhaustMap, reducex1
Utilitytap, delay, delaywhen
Error Handlingthrowerror, catcherror, retry, retrywhen

Unsubscribing from an Observable

When we no longer require the observable, we must unsubscribe to close it. Otherwise, memory leaks and performance deterioration may occur.

To unsubscribe from an observable, we must use the subscription's Unsubscribe() method. It cleans up all listeners and frees up memory space.

To do so, first establish a variable to hold the subscription information.

obs: Subscription;

Assign the obs variable to the subscription.

this.obs = this.src.subscribe(value => {
  console.log("Received " + this.id);

In the ngOnDestroy method, call the unsubscribe() method.

ngOnDestroy() {

The observable gets unsubscribed and cleaned up when we destroy the component.

However, you are not required to unsubscribe from all subscriptions. The observables that emit the whole signal, for example, close the observable.

Unsubscribing from an Observable in Angular is a good place to start learning more about it.


The goal of reactive programming is to apply the stream. The RxJS library integrates Angular with Reactive Programming. We can create an observable with RxJs that can emit the next value, error, and completion signals to the observable's subscriber.

In the next article, we will learn more about the RxJs Observable.

I hope this article helps you and you will like it.👍

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