How To Update Angular To Latest Version

How To Update Angular To Latest Version

At regular intervals, the Angular Team releases a new version of Angular. We must update or upgrade our Angular Application in order to stay current. Since Angular 6, it has been quite simple to update or upgrade Angular apps to the most recent version.

ng update

ng update is an Angular CLI command. making updating the application and its dependencies simpler.

ng update [options]

--all=true|falsefalseselecting true will update all packages in package.json.
--force=true|falsefalseIf true, forces the update even if the installed packages are incompatible with the update. if false, packages are not updated and the error message is shown
--from=fromVersion from which to migrate. Only available with a single package being updated, and only on migration only.
--help=true|false| json| JSONfalseShows a help message for this command in the console.
--migrateOnly=true|falsefalseOnly perform a migration, do not update the installed version.
--next=true|falsefalseUse the largest version, including beta and RCs.
--packageManager=npm|yarnnpmThe preferred package manager configuration files to use for registry settings
--packagesThe names of the package(s) to update
--registry=registryThe NPM registry to use.
--to=toVersion up to which to apply migrations. Only available with a single package being updated, and only on migrations only. Requires from to be specified. Default to the installed version detected.

Find out what changed

You must be aware of the features that have changed, the new features that have been added, and, most crucially, the breaking changes that have been made as well as the APIs that have been deprecated or are about to be deprecated before upgrading.

Find out what’s new in Angular latest version

The changelog is a list of the modifications and problem fixes made to the new Angular release.

Find out what needs to be changed

Finding out what needs to be altered in your app so that you can securely upgrade to the new version is the next step once you are aware of the list of changes. This information is available in the Angular Update Guide.

As soon as you open the aforementioned website, you must take these actions, and the instruction will provide a list of the necessary changes.
  • Select the version you want to update and the current version of Angular.
  • Choose "Advanced" for the app's complexity.
  • Pick different dependencies.
  • Select a package manager.
  • To update, click the Show Me button.

You can upgrade using the instructions provided by the application.

How To Update Angular Application Version

The procedures to update Angular to the most recent version are provided above in detail. There are three divisions in the list. Before, During, and Following the Update. All you had to do was adhere to those instructions.

Upgrading using ng update 

To upgrade the application, just follow the instructions in the preceding section. The ng update instructions required to update the application are in the aforementioned section.

The procedure for updating the Angular application using ng update is described in this section.
  1. Install the most recent version of Node.js.
  2. Globally & Locally Install Angular CLI
  3. To update configuration files, run ng update @angular/cli.
  4. Core Packages & Dependencies should be updated.

Update Node.js to the latest version

To update Node.js, enter the command below, or go to the Node.js website to download and install the most recent version.

npm update -g    //Updates Node

Install Angular CLI Globally & Locally

The most recent Angular CLI version can be installed with the following command. As of right now, the version is 14.0.6. Discover the Angular CLI Versions by clicking.

npm install -g @angular/cli@latest   //Global installation
npm install @angular/cli@latest --save-dev   //local installation

By adding the version number as shown below, you can also install an earlier version of the Angular CLI.

npm install -g @angular/cli@6.2
npm install @angular/cli@6.2 --save-dev

Run ng update to update configuration files

The following step entails updating the different configuration files, such as angular.json and karma.conf.js. Running the following command accomplishes this

ng update @angular/cli

Update core packages & dependencies

The next action is to update the dependencies and packages for Angular Core. The next command updates rxjs and the Angular core packages.

ng update @angular/core
ng update rxjs

The command is provided along with the list of packages (not all of them) that need to be updated in the following.

ng update 

Using the --all & --force flags, you may make Angular update all of its dependencies.

ng update --all --force

Tips to upgrade

Update to the latest version as and when available

Every six months, Angular releases a major version. Releases of minor upgrades and bug fixes happen considerably more regularly. It is simpler to upgrade if you update to the most recent version once every two months or so. This minimizes the changes and makes them manageable.

Keep a watch on Deprecated features

Angular's Major release could include a breaking change. In addition, some APIs might be deprecated. These are all accessible at Changelog. According to the guideline, the deprecated changes are typically supported for at least two major versions. You have at least a year to make the required changes as a result. Create and implement such adjustments.


In this article, we learned about how to update or upgrade the angular application version.

I hope this article helps you and you will like it.👍

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